Intimacy, Joy, Love, Love Is A Beautiful Thing, Romance

Love Is Beautiful

Falling in love is probably easy to do when the person treat you right and the feeling is reciprocated. To love and be loved is indeed priceless and when it is received, it must be cherished not taken for granted. True love does not derive from one’s word only but by the actions and deeds that are established towards you. In essence, anyone can say, ‘I love you baby’ but not everybody can take actions to display love from their heart for you. Loving you is act of kindness and not just a midnight visit to please their sexual appetite in secret but it’s being able to show you affection publicly and in private in diverse love languages.
Love is not fake and it will not pretend to care but it will actually show you tenderness and be compassionate towards you. Click To Tweet

The person that you entrust with your heart should always be worthy of that position. Your heart should never be placed on a platter to just anyone. You deserve the best and in order for you to have the best you must love your self enough to know you ought to have nothing short of exquisite, lovable and beautiful. God demonstrated His love for you and the entire humanity by giving up His beloved Son because He wants you to live an extraordinary life that is filled with love and happiness. Just as you are protected in God’s hands, the person that you trust with your heart should provide protection for you in their arms.

The person that truly loves you will accept you with all your frailties and flaws and will not reject you because of your imperfections. No one is perfect but agreeing to disagree on mutual grounds and maintaining respect and good communication among each other your relationship and love will be sustained. Love is pure and kind without ulterior motivates and ‘Plan Bs’ therefore, true love will never pursue a person because of their social status or the amount of money that they have. Be satisfied with what you have now and learn to love the person you are with wholeheartedly and God will enlarge your territory and bless your love life.

True love will seek to please the other party, live in peace, create happy moments with a whole lot of romantic gestures and support and respect each other. Click To Tweet

2 thoughts on “Love Is Beautiful

  1. True words. God has surely bless you and give you the definition of what true love is. May we all live accordingly remembering that not only love should we focus on the love of our spouse, but love your neighbors, show love to your enemies and above all LOVE GOD WITHOUT MEASURE.

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