6 Ways To Bless Your Pastor, Encouragement, Pastors, Pray For Pastors, Submission To Leadership

Six Ways To Bless Your Pastor & First Lady

Pastors and their wives are selfless people; God called them into ministry to lead His people in righteousness. They carry the burden of the people, they spend much time in prayer seeking God’s face for the covering and protection of the flock, for guidance, direction and wisdom on how to lead with honor and integrity. The sacrifices that genuine Men and Women of God makes daily is priceless. Often times Pastor’s wives don’t get much personal time with their husband because of the ministry assignments and sudden challenges and obstacles that arise with members of the local body of believers.

As believers we need to acknowledge and show appreciation to the first ladies and their pastor husbands. The sacrifices that they make daily is great. We could never pay them for the times they sat by the bedside of your sick family member, the times they held our hands during the loss of a loved one, the times they left their family to visit you while in the hospital, the times they spent marrying you or your children or supporting you when your child/ren got in trouble with the law. While there maybe a few bad weeds in the kingdom, we cannot allow those weeds to overshadow the good that the righteous servants of God are doing.

So, in honor of Pastors Appreciation month take time out to be a blessing to those that labor in the spirit over your soul. Here you’ll find six ways you can be a blessing to your Pastor and the First Lady of your church.

Treat Your Pastor And His Wife To A Wonderful Dinner Experience

They give so much, it would be a shift from their busy day of counselling and other activities to transition into a experience where they just unwind, relax and enjoy each other in a romantic setting of bliss, love and laughter. Seek to do good to your leaders and God will reward you for that which you do in private for them publicly. Reference: Galatians 6:9

Intercede For Your Pastor And The First Lady

Ask them how you can pray for them and specifically set aside thirty minutes to an hour to pray for them daily. Your Pastors are always on their knees praying for you and the flock that God has given them. It will encourage your Pastor’s heart and spirit to know you are connected spiritually and you’re invested in their interest and their family as much as they are in you. After all, Pastors are humans—they need God, they need grace, they need mercy, they need favor, they need blessings, they need healing and help just the same way you do. Reference: 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Encourage Your Pastor And His Wife

You should take the time to encourage your pastor through Your words and your deeds. It doesn’t have to be a major expense, you can buy a postcard and articulate what you feel in your heart and let them know how much you love and appreciate what they do for you and others day after day. If you want to do something more tangible, offer to do their grocery shopping, babysitting or even washing their car. It doesn’t have to be any of these things mentioned but show them you care and they matter to you. Reference: 1 Thessalonians 3:6–7

Cover Your Pastor And His Family

Whenever others both from inside and outside of the church come to you with stories to gossip about the leaders shut it down immediately. It is never a good thing to entertain those types of conversations. The enemy is very subtle and once you open the door to gossip he will use the opportunity to cause chaos, division and separation in the church. Walk away from such conversations and encourage the person to pray for the leaders rather than judging them…God is the ultimate judge. Reference: James 3:1-12

Willing Submit To Their Leadership

Being a Pastor and leader of a church is a challenging role for anyone to be in. While being the spiritual leader of a ministry has its blessings, joys and ups it also has it’s lows, days of sadness and also grief. When a baby is born the Pastor shares the joy of the mother and when another dies he/she carries that grief for the family in bereavement. The Pastors and their wives wears many hats for the church to flow efficiently and still be effective and relevant. It is therefore, difficult for the Pastors to freely move in the spiritual things of God when we become combative, argumentative and run our mouths unnecessarily about the things that are not important for the growth and edification of the body. We must therefore submit to our leaders because it honors God and gives them joy of heart and it creates oneness in the body. Reference: Hebrews 13:17

Sow Financially In Your Pastor And His Wife

Consider blessing your Pastor with a special love offering. If you don’t know how much to give, pray over your decision to sow into their lives and listen for the instruction from the Holy Spirit. Being a Pastor doesn’t mean you can’t have a financial shortage. In fact, some of them give so much to others that they are left with nothing. In those moments if God touch your heart to sow, do it in obedience and do it quickly because God will replenish what you gave and even double it. As believers we need to help to cover the leaders financially and ensure their needs are met; many of them gave up their six and seven figure incomes to answer the call willingly. We must give and do so joyfully! Reference: 1 Timothy 5:17–18

Remember whatever you do for others God will make happen for you far beyond what you can think or even imagine.

3 thoughts on “Six Ways To Bless Your Pastor & First Lady

  1. This is so enlightening and refreshing – sometimes you think about how to be a blessing to them but then you are not sure how. Lovely inspirational piece.

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